Gary Simmonds
2005-07-01 15:56:44 UTC
Guys i need help. I have plantar fasciitis for 4 years now and for teh first
2 years biked fine. all of a sudeen got foot pain and leg pain. pain is at
bottom of feet and leg pain is on the insied form the shins up through the
knee into the thigh. Pain starts about 5 minutes into ride. Docs cant help,
tried wedges no help, next going to try wider shoe and wider spd pedals.
any advise? Have orthotics also
2 years biked fine. all of a sudeen got foot pain and leg pain. pain is at
bottom of feet and leg pain is on the insied form the shins up through the
knee into the thigh. Pain starts about 5 minutes into ride. Docs cant help,
tried wedges no help, next going to try wider shoe and wider spd pedals.
any advise? Have orthotics also