Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályNo I won't, not unless your example shows a case of how being on the
centre/left is less safe than being on the right.
Left is fine, center causes driver to be pissed off (rightly) with
Oh, have we come back HERE again? You abandoned the thread where the
point was made that centering doesn't piss off right-turing drivers
as long as the cyclist moves left to let them turn. And going
immediately to the left without first centering is also less safe,
because a straight-through car could pull up beside you on your right.
This will put you in between two lanes of accelerating cars, not
someplace I feel safe being.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályPost by DiscoDuckSo today I did it 6 times, purposely to prove you wrong (again).
Which isn't proof at all.
Uhhh, no. Your examples prove just fine that the keep right method is
safe. I've alreade conceded that to you. But your examples do not show
that your method is equally safe as mine, because they do not include a
comparison of what would happen in the same situation had my method been
used instead. Comprende?
Post by DiscoDuckPost by Királyproven that both methods are equally safe. If you can do that, and I
then can't come up with another example to make the score 2-1, then we
will be tied, and I'll concede the argument.
Yet you won't concede it as I have provided such examples before and
Examples that give a particular situation that show that utilizing the
keep right method is safer than the centre/left method for that
situation? No you haven't.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályPlease make sure the examples include a comparison of what happens when both
the centre/left and keep right methods are used, or you are wasting your
Sigh, already provided six of the "right" method and will continue
to do so. I'll leave the center and left examples up to you. You
keep doing yours and I'll keep doing mine.
Then you concede defeat. All of your examples show that your method is
"safe." But if you can't compare your method to mine with an example,
then you can't argue that your method is as safe as mine. You're just
not making the comparison.
Post by DiscoDuckAs according to you I should be hurt soon since mine is more "unsafe"
than yours,
Nope, less safe than mine does not translate into an impending accident.
Post by DiscoDuckthus proving your right (very soon your sure).
My right to do what?
Post by DiscoDuckHaving said that, if centered you will annoy a driver (by the way I
already posted this before) causing her (or him) to be annoyed with
cyclists therefore driving more aggressively towards cyclists than if
you had remained left or right (which, again is perfectly safe).
Centering only antagonizes drivers and is VERY inconsiderate.
How so? If they are turning right, you move left so they can go, and
both of you are out of each other's way. If the car behind you is going
straight, you can allow him to pass once both of you are safely through
the intersection and you can safely move to the right of the lane. How
is this antagonizing the driver?
Post by DiscoDuckYET you effectively retract it, below several times by changing the
issue to which is "safer". Yet I always stated both are safe, with
the right or left method more considerate to drivers.
Only my very original post in this thread, the one I retracted, has
been about "safe." In ten out of the remaining eleven of my posts in this
thread, the point I have been making is *not* whether your method is
"safe", it is that my method is *safer*. The remaining one post was
me admitting to you that I missed Jim's statement to stay centred.
*Safer* is not a recent change in the argument, it's been my argument the
whole way through, except for my very first post, which I have since
retracted. Re-read the thread if you don't believe me.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályPost by DiscoDuckI'm tempted to find yours but truthfully the thread is too long to
Ha. You can't find it because it doesn't exist. I never, never once
said that there should be any law of any kind.
I see you've ignored that challenge.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályPost by DiscoDuckBesides it takes off track about the initial issue. Your claim that
keeping right is dangerous.
I already conceded that one too. And you congratulated me for it, just
down below a little bit. The argument is about which method is safer.
Which bring us back to the point we argued about in the first place.
Therefore your admission must be null and void and not genuine,
You're NOW trying to change "tactics".
See above. No change. You just haven't been reading my posts very
carefully if you think I've switched from an argument about "safe" to one
about "safer" just recently.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályThe examples are missing the comparison. I filled in the comparison for
you, to show you that there's no difference between the stay right and
the centre/left methods in those cases. But that still leaves me
one point ahead of you, because I've provided an example that shows my
method safer than yours in one case, and you haven't been able to do
vice versa yet.
Now you're backtracking against your admission (previous posts and
below)that my version is NOT unsafe or risky.
That's not the point I was making. No backtracking. Let it be
understood that I believe your method to be safe. But my claim is that
my method is safer. That does not mean that your method is any less safe
than "safe", it's just less safe than mine.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályGood, so we can leave the "safe" argument behind, and concentrate on the
Now you're changing the issue. You intitally suggested how dangerous
my "right" way was.
Initially, yes I did. But I retracted that, remember?
Post by DiscoDuckNow you're backtracking to change the issue.
Nope, the issue in all of my posts since that first one has been about
which method is safer. No backtracking at all. Reread the thread.
Post by DiscoDuckAgain, I ALWAYS CLAIMED BOT METHODS where perfectly safe.
Take the word "perfectly" out of there and I'll agree with that
statement. By putting the word "perfectly" there you are claiming that
both methods are equally safe and that no other method is better than
either of these two. That's what I dispute, because I've shown how my
method is safer than yours.
Post by DiscoDuckAnswer me this: Do you challenge me to find my post stating how both
methods are safe?
No need to do that. I agree that both methods are safe. The issue is
about which method is safer.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályEven if I hadn't retracted it, there's nothing in there that says "My way
is the right way and yours is wrong." But since I have retracted that
statement, why are you even bringing it up?
Because you kept speaking about how much safer your version it (and
continue to do so).
So, even if I retract my statements and concede you are right in that
case, you will still argue that case against me? What's the point?
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályIf your method is "completely" safe, then you are claiming that there is
no other safer method, because there can be no improvement on
"complete." But it isn't completely safe, becuase my method is safer.
Now, I am not saying my method is completely safe either, but it is safer
than yours.
Nonsense. Let prove it here and now this week by both of us doing our
versions. Whoever doesn't report back has ovioulsy died and loses
the argument
Even if that were to happen to one or both of us, it would prove neither
your nor my argument because it is a purely anecdotal case. It's like
the anti-helmet crowd who says "I'll ride with lid, you ride without, if
you die and I don't then it proves that helmets are safer." Purely
nonsense. You, of all people, should be able to relate to that.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályI didn't say unsafe, I said *less safe* than mine. Have you forgotten
that I said "DiscoDuck's method of keeping to the right when stopped at
an intersection is safe." It was in the post to which you just replied. Or
have you forgotten already?
IT doesn't take a rocket scientist to see you trying to refute my
point-hence my defense of your attack.
So, you are agreeing with me on that point, then?
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályI never said that you did. But you have claimed that your method is
equally safe as mine, and that's wherein my objection lies.
Yet you admit (below) that your viewpoint is paranoid (again see below)
My claim that your method is "a collision waiting to happen" was a
little paranoid and melodramatic, yes. That's why I retracted it. But
my claim that my method is safer than yours is not at all paranoid. If
you wish do dispute that, you'll need to argue against one of my ten
posts (well, now eleven if you include this one) made since that one.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályI never said that people should do it the way I do it, any more than you
are saying that people should do it the way you do it.
I'm afraid you did but espousing how safer it is to keep left or
Yes I am saying it is safer. No I am not saying therefore do it that
way. I've presented my facts and arguments; any readers of this thread
are completely welcome to adopt or ignore any part(s) of any method and
do as they right well please.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályYes, maybe that was a little paranoid, but I retracted that. Have you
forgotten already, a second time? And what else is there? You said "all
the evidence", so there must be more than just that.
There is. Why don't you even try it? OR are you soooooo scared
you'll be killed.
Been there, done that. Prefer my safer method. Sometimes I have to do the
keep right method because I have no choice; i.e. when the city installs
a cyclist-activated signal button at an intersection and puts it at the
curb. If I can get to the button and then over to the centre of the
lane before any cars come up from behind, I do. Sometimes a
right-turing car will pull up beside me while I'm still at the button,
though, putting each of us are in each other's way. Lately the city has
been installing the buttons at more appropriate places, that put the
cyclist to the left of right turning traffic. Northbound Cypress Street at
Broadway comes to mind.
Post by DiscoDuckOr do you prefer to remain here, arguing over
semantics? IT seems you do and of course I will oblige.
Of course I will argue over semantics if the semantics completely change
the meaning of what is being said.
Post by DiscoDuckBut at least you admit you are paranoid.
Not that I am now, but that I was on my first post; the one I retracted.
Post by DiscoDuckThus my initial point.
...The point that your method is "safe." A point which I have not
disputed in any of my arguments since the very first one, and to which I
recently said "DisckDuck's method is safe." You're the one who keeps
bringing this up after I've already conceded it to you.
Post by DiscoDuckBut after admitting that you would rather remain to argue over semantics.
Nope, just arguing the same point I have been making in my previous ten
posts, which you haven't successfully countered.
Post by DiscoDuckAgain I will oblige
Fine by me. I just hope you will start to present some valid arguments.
Post by DiscoDuckPost by KirályThat's right, because your examples are not comparing your method to
mine. They are comparing your method to nothing. And when the issue is
how safe your method is vs. mine, they are irrelevant.
I've mentioned it several times. You can re-read my notes if you
missed it (again). IT's not rocket science (although you seem to
want to make it such)
You haven't mentioned it once.
Post by DiscoDuckYou learn to avoid certain cars (cops) at certain times. But to error
on the side of caution, I avoid ALL police (walking, cycling, or
driving) since I cannot differentiate between good ( cops that leave
you alone) and bad (bored cops that bother you even though you are NOT
bothering anyone else). IN the winter, it's generally safer since
fewer "outdoor" cops around.
LOL, and you call me paranoid!