Post by smnDD said Fluke accidents can never be avoided no matter how many laws or
Post by DiscoDuckyou impose or how unsafe you want to think cycling is. IT is safe-just
Correct-you could mandate helmets in cars (which have a mich higher
accident and cost rate) and pedestrians and you would STILL have such
Post by smnSo in case anybody does have a freak accident, doing it with no rules and
without a helmut, like say a semi goes through a red light and you were not
expecting that kind of errant behavior because of a coverup by inside lanes,
you think the fellow would fair better without a helmut when there in a
situation no one not even God could forsee? Picture a semi fully loaded
barrelling through an already red light hidden by inside lane traffic and
the biker gets knocked over by the surprise, wind force or shock. without a
helmut, anything other than an instant kill.
What kind of rambling nonsense is this. Your "example" make no sense
whatsoever. Comparing cycling safely to a semi-truck running a red
light? Uhm, non-sensical.
Post by smnIf you do not have a helmut ICBC will not pay your medical bills or funeral
I get the impression you are not from BC. From the sounds of it, not
even Canada. ICBC does not pay medical or funeral costs-ever. They
offer no such coverage.
and the driver will not go to jail most likely. Because he would not
Post by smnhave died if he had a helmut. (that would be the slant, right or wrong)
Bikers have slim rights in court against drivers you know. That is the
slant anyway. Go to court and find out.
You are wrong-all Canadians (and non Canadians) are covered by the
social medical system many claim to cherish, regardless of risk factors
or income level. That is the point of a socialized medical system (of
course some want to pick and choose now who is covered and who isn't).
Post by smnSo I will keep wearing a helmut not because I am not cautious ( I am 1000%
the opposite) I will do it for the m.f. drivers that can get away with
killing people because of the predjudice against cyclists.
Only the facts ma'm.
You haven't stated on fact-not one. But here is one fact for you. No
driver in Canada has purposely murdered a cyclist. As a matter of
fact, the number of fatalities involving cycling is very rare
throughout the country. But cycling "zealots' would have you believe
But this "prejudice" is in part to inconsiderate cyclists (i.e. keeping
centered in a lane blocking cars). Yes there are crazy people out
there who hate cyclists, and drivers (you, for example being one of
them but your statement "I will do it for the m.f. drivers that can get
away with killing people because of the predjudice against cyclists."
Any guesses to the number of cycling fatalities, people? Number of
Head injuries country wide? How about comparing it to the number
before and AFTER the helmet law was passed? Now, lets talk about facts
(although those proven wrong will either ignore the post or start lying
themselve to try and prove their point)
Any takers?